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Download linux vm for windows. The Dead-Simple Guide to Installing a Linux Virtual Machine on Windows


Brief: Using Linux in a virtual machine gives you the option to try Linux within Windows. This step-by-step guide shows you how to install Linux inside Windows using VirtualBox.

There are several ways to install Linux. You can clean everything from your system and install Linux. You can dual boot Linux with Windows and choose one of the operating systems at the boot time. You can even install Linux within Windows from Microsoft Store though this only provides you with the command line version of Linux. But if you want to use Linux without making any changes to your Windows system, you can go the virtual machine route. Basically, you install and use Linux like any regular Windows application.

When you just want to try Linux for limited use, virtual machines provide the most comfortable option. VirtualBox is free and open source virtualization software from Oracle. It enables you to install other operating systems in virtual machines. It is recommended that your system should have at least 4GB of RAM to get decent performance from the virtual operating system. I am installing Ubuntu If you prefer videos, you can watch the one below from our YouTube channel :.

Download VirtualBox. Installing VirtualBox is not rocket science. Just double-click on the downloaded. It is like installing any regular software on Windows. Next, you need to download the ISO file of the Linux distribution. You can get this image from the official website of the Linux distribution you are trying to use. Download Ubuntu Linux. You are now set to install Linux in VirtualBox.

You can use more RAM if your system has enough extra. Create a virtual disk. This serves as the hard disk of the virtual Linux system. It is where the virtual system will store its files. The recommended size is 10 GB. However, I suggest giving it more space if possible. You should be presented with the option to install it.

Things from here are Ubuntu-specific. You are using the virtual disk space of GB that we created in previous steps. Try to choose a password that you can remember. You can also reset the password in Ubuntu if you forget it. From now on, just click on the installed Linux virtual machine. The installation is a one time only process. You can even delete the Linux ISO that you downloaded earlier. I strongly recommend using VirtualBox Guest Additions on Ubuntu for it provides better compatibility and you would be able to use copy-paste and drag-drop between Linux and Windows.

This means that virtualization is blocked on your system. You have to look for the virtualization option in the BIOS and enable it.

If you have any doubts, or if you encounter any issues, please feel free to ask your questions in the comment box below. Tweet Share Share Email Copy.


How to Install Linux on Your Windows Using VirtualBox : 6 Steps - Instructables - Download a virtual machine

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Download linux vm for windows. How to Install Linux on Your Windows Using VirtualBox

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